Clear it for keeps

Old Man's Beard is not easy to kill in a way that it won't come back - but it can be done!  Here's a quick guide to whacking it effectively. Watch the video and see our pointers below. 

NOTE: If the plant isn't on your property or the land is steep, check out our advice on scouting out your site

1. Check it's OMB

Before tackling the plant, confirm it is Old Man's Beard.

If it has smooth vines and three or six leaflets per stem, it's likely a native clematis and should be left to grow.

2. Give it the chop

Cut any climbing vines one or two metres off the ground, ideally before they go to seed. 

Leave them hanging in the tree where they will die off.

If seeds have formed, it can be useful to bag them up and dispose of them to save new seedlings growing next year.

3. Kill the roots

Roots will form at each node, about 20cm apart. Working along the roots pull them out of the ground if possible. 

If they snap or you can't pull them, you'll need to cut them below or through the node and apply a thin layer of weedkiller paste within 15 seconds. 

We use Cut 'n Paste Glimax a specially formulated glyphosate gel that shouldn't affect nearby plants. Weaker strength gels such as Invade Gel, Yates Woody Weedkiller or RoundUp Tough Gel won't work as well, but may be suitable where you have easy access to check the site.

Picloram based gels will also work, but may also affect nearby plants. McGregors Woody and Bulbous Weed Killer is available cheaply in a small bottle. Vigilant, Triumph and Cut 'n Paste Picloram are other brands.

Note that Wellington City Council only allow Picloram and Glimax gel to be used on their land and require you to be trained and certified before using it.

4. Hang the roots up

Left on the ground, the roots will resprout.

Coil them up and hang them in a tree to allow them to die off.

5. Update the weed status

So that we can tell which OMB patches have been tackled and which haven't, please update the weed status on our map, or add a new observation if it doesn't exist. 

See Mapping old man's beard for details.



Annual check up

Any seeds that have blown onto the ground could be viable for 5-10 years. After clearing an area, you should check annually for any seedlings or roots that are re-sprouting.

Seedlings often start off with three leaves. If there's a chance it might be native clematis, wait until it grows to have five leaves before pulling it out.

OMB Seedling

Resprouting roots